Come on let's go everybody oh we share the music
This is the part where I post lyrics to a song no one's probably ever heard before, and then explain the meaning behind each line. Why? Because this is my blog and I can do what I want! The song is "Goku vs Superman. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 3." You can find it on YouTube. (Note: I'm writing these lyrics exactly as they appear in the video, just to explain the lack of capital letters) Verse 1: Superman - Just before this verse, we see Clark Kent transform into Superman by spinning rapidly on the spot, which he often did in old TV shows as well. Who can stop this constipated jock - A common humourous observation about Dragon Ball Z is that the characters all seem like they're constipated, referring to all the grunting and yelling they do while powering up/transforming etc. with the awful animation - Dragon Ball Z is often criticised for its sub-par animation, featuring extensive use of stock footage and copy-pasting, particularly during its...