Does God bless your transsexual heart?
Being as I am in fact transfemme, I thought I'd take this time to debunk some common myths revolving around trans people (mostly trans women, since that's what I am and all). Myth: Trans women don't get periods. Fact: While we don't menstruate, we do still have hormone cycles (assuming we're on HRT, that is) and that can still cause us to get period-like symptoms every month. What those symptoms are varies from person to person, but can include feeling bloated, constipation, feeling irritable/cranky, tired, random aches and pains in our bodies, etc. Myth: All trans people eventually have surgery. Fact: Some choose not to. Dysphoria manifests in many ways, and genital dysphoria is only one of those ways, and not always present in trans people. Some are totally fine with their genitalia not matching their gender. This does not make them any less trans than others, and surgery is not like... the definitive final step in transitioning or anything like that. Myth: The p...