Bloggin' to fill the void.

Another day, another lunch break. Gah, my side is killing me for some reason, and my leg feels stiff too. Maybe I slept in a weird position. It's annoying in any case.

I hate Mondays, and not just for the usual reasons either. I hate them because the buses NEVER FREAKING SHOW UP ON TIME. And yes, I do leave within plenty of time. For reference: It takes half an hour (by bus) to get from my house to Queensgate in Peterborough, and a further five minutes (by bus) from there to the university. Add to that about five minutes' walking time and you have a total of 40 minutes travel time. The buses come (or at least are SUPPOSED to come) every 20 minutes, so I leave to get to the bus stop at 8:00.

The bus comes at 20 TO FRIGGIN' NINE. That's 8:40 for those of you who go by digital time. FORTY MINUTES after I get to the bus stop. And this is early morning, in winter time. So I get to stand in the freezing cold for forty minutes (if I'm really lucky, it might even be raining, and there is no bus shelter) waiting for a bus that never freaking shows up. And this happens pretty much EVERY morning, it's not just a "once every few weeks or so" thing.

In short, the Peterborough bus service royally SUCKS, especially regarding the number 7 (which goes from my house in Yaxley to Queensgate in Peterborough centre).

Anyways, light be with you, friends.


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