
Back once again with another pointless update for you all. See, I have some kind of weird sayings/catchphrases that I use a lot, so I thought I'd let you all know what they are in the rare case that you might actually be interested in that kind of thing.

"This is how [name] [active verb phrase]."
Explanation: If I notice that someone has a rather unusual or just pretty cool way of doing something, I'll usually comment on it with this. "Active verb phrase" is basically "does some stuff", for those of you who don't know.

"Because that's how I roll, people."
Explanation: Basically my attempt at justifying doing something which makes absolutely no sense to do, or why I do things in a particular way.

Any word ending in -tion, followed by an exclamation mark
Explanation: Demanding something, basically. Or pointing out that something I wanted to see is there. It can go either way, really.

Explanation: Demanding context or elaboration for a statement someone made. Will often be followed with either "Context, darn you" or "I want context for X's statement" if no context is given at the initial demand.

"This is the best thing I've ever seen/done/played/etc."
Explanation: Basically used when something references a meme/piece of popular culture/anything that I like.

"Vee-a, not vye-a".
Explanation: I've always been bothered by the extreme anglicisation of Latin pronunciation, like "stay-tus" instead of "stat-us". This was something I came out with once after hearing someone pronounce "via" as "vye-a" too many times while giving a presentation. (Actually, I originally said "It's pronounced vee-a, not vye-a", but I shortened the phrase when it became a personal meme of sorts). And yes, I know it should be "wee-a", but I don't want to go too far in the other direction.

"Well, you can do it that way too if you really want."
Explanation: Used when someone suggests a much better way of doing something than the way I usually do it.

"I didn't say X. Did I say X? I don't think I said X."
Explanation: Used to rebuke someone for inferring something from a statement I made that I never actually said.

"This is when you start to realise"
Explanation: A quote from the Flash game The Bright in the Screen, which is one of my favourites. The... only real context for this phrase is, basically, when a revelation is imminent. And yes, the missing full stop at the end is deliberate, since that's how it's written in the game as well.

"I think [insert random non-sequitur]."
Explanation: Used whenever someone asks me what I think after discussing a certain topic with someone else or a group of people.

Any word/phrase anyone said recently, followed by an ellipsis
Explanation: It's vague, but it basically means something about the word/phrase intrigued me. It could be that I notice a double meaning, or innuendo, or that it was just interesting to me.

"I am a cat, after all."
Explanation: The default explanation for whenever I do something particularly cat-like or exhibit cat-like traits.

"It's a name, not a title."
Explanation: My response to the millions of people who say it should be "Twilight Lady" instead of "Twilight Lord" if I'm a girl (online).

I think there's more, but that's all that comes to mind right now. See you next time!

Ouen! Daiseikou!


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