Can't even think you're wrong

Predator Callout, Part 2 - Former Victims' Testimonies

The following is a collection of excerpts from the testimonies of former victims of predators. All victims here have had their names removed for privacy reasons. Sorted by predator for ease of access.

I'm posting this here now so people can see it, more will be added later hopefully.


"they tend to like to prey on loneliness" (Lonely/depressed people are especially vulnerable to predators)

"they basically made me want to be around them more" (A common tactic - see below)

"somehow managed to disable my triggers"

"but they started by getting me high and drunk" (Lowering inhibitions/reasoning to make the victim more suggestible)

"and just talked to me. I don't remember what about"

"and when I was with them, I felt... happy but nervous. like I was wanted"

"like I was enjoyable to be around" (This is a technique used by predators often, not just hypno ones - they make you feel wanted and loved when you're around them so you'll come to depend on them and be more willing to do what they want so they'll keep letting you feel that way)

"we smoked. I got really high. and there was a new feeling with their stuff. something I've only experienced with their product" (which we later discovered was cocaine)

"I rarely drink, ever. like, I'll sip for flavor, but that's it. I actually got tipsy with her on the first meeting. I've never done that. and I -never- drink on the first meeting"

"and what made me come to my senses, was [my friends] said I had been acting a bit weird"

"and then I had a feeling she might have done something to me"

"I had been unusually depressed and lonely"

"wanted to go visit them more" (An effect of the above-mentioned technique, Neurotica made the victim feel amazing when they were with her so they felt depressed and lonely when they weren't)

"when [friend] confirmed it, I realised what had happened and I snapped out of it"

"I then blocked Neurotica on facebook and IRC"

"cause shehad me add her on FB"


"it started with someone posting a link to one of Everything's vids in #rubberdoll_factory" (Videos are Everything's main method of getting new victims)

"and it just spoke right to my core"

"so i messaged Everything and told him how good it felt" (The videos actually include a suggestion to do this, as well as contact details for Everything)

"and i told him how it felt and he told me to tell [victim] to release another video" (Another tactic of Everything's, get his victims to share his videos so he gets more people watching them and therefore more victims)

"that video made me feel very relaxed and obedient"

"so i told him so" (Most likely under suggestion of the video again)

"within a couple days i identified as his "plaything" (per the videos)"

"and that is when he said i could recruit for enslave others by linking his videos"

"and i kept listening to files and kept trying to recruit"

"all the while i was selling ppl out to Everything...feeling so good that i was "helping" others"

"i didn't think of it as enslaving...i felt like i was helping others feel as good as i did"

"and Everything told me to get [former victim] to listen to the i did just that and felt so good to help him get back one of his "lost sheep""

"and it was a day or two later when [former victim] pm'd me [...] and read me the riot act for what i had done, labelling me a "predator""

"that snapped me out of it"

" but even then it wasn't perfect because the mantras and triggers were still there and i would find myself wanting to enslave still....had a good friend have a fantasy of being brainless and i linked one of Everything's videos"

"[friend] finally was able to help me pull free by removing the power of the triggers and mantras through trance"


"about a week and a half into my enslavement someone (i think [victim]) mentioned she was a blowjob puppet (per DrEvilMindWarp prodding her)" (DrEvilMindWarp is also a predator, but I don't have enough information on his methods/proof to add him to the list yet, if anyone can provide this please do)

"so i got curious and she linked me the video" (EvilPsychiatrist uses a similar tactic to Everything, getting his victims to share his videos)

"so i watched it...and listened to others just like it"

"NeuralNet pm'd me" (NeuralNet is the nick EP currently uses)

"knew i wasn't fully female but all he would have to do is tell me to do something and i would do it" (Shows that he will go for trans girls and feminine/sissy guys as well as cis girls)

"like "say 'i'll let anyone control my mind'"" (EP often likes to have his victims repeat things to enforce their conditioning)

"and he pointed out his cock in the bj puppet file and i became addicted to seeing it"

"addicted to cum...addicted to being dumb, mindless"


"[victim] sent me a file (hour long mp3 by Xray) that PammyJuggs sent her"

"i told PammyJuggs and she (he) wanted me to tell them about myself"

"wanted me to listen to the whole thing (even tho i stated i would be late for work if i did)" (Classic predator move, not showing any concern for the victim's real life)

"wanted to know who owns me...i said no one"

"then told me :"you obey me. only me"" (Another classic predator move, they try to make you obedient to them and them alone so they can take advantage of you as much as possible and keep you under their control as long as possible)

"then kinda forgot she tried to control me the day before and wanted me to describe myself AGAIN"

"then sent me this: [link to text trance that includes telling the subject to say "Thank you, sir" and gives them a trance trigger for Pammy to use]" (Evidence that PammyJuggs is actually a male pretending to be a female)

"told me tell my desires once i read it and send pics"

"and was again saying that she owns me"

"wanted me to listen to that mp3 again and email when done" (This is still classic predator stuff: "watch this video/listen to this file/read this trance and email/message me when you're done telling me how it felt so I can trigger/condition you more")


"Alteryourmind tried wanted me to use multiple trigger files on YouTube,  especially the bubble one." (Typical predator, most of them lack skill in hypnosis themselves so they have their victims listen to files/watch videos/read scripts etc., especially ones (like the bubble induction) that place open trance triggers that can be used.)

"He tried to make me instantly love him, be in love with him." (Another common predator tactic, one I've seen far too many of these days)

"So then he tried again, in several roundabout ways to do the same, then have me forget I had been tranced"


"She tried to make me a "cumslave" and I kept saying no, so she thought that edging me would make me say yes, and that went over an hour and i kept saying no, and she got me to fall at one point and put in triggers that i don't remember but i just remember saying no over and over again."

"I explicitly stated that anal play of any kind was a hard limit for me. You have violated that on multiple occasions. At first, you got me into trance and intentionally compromised my judgement before asking for permission, essentially coercing my agreement when you did so. After apologising and agreeing not to attempt this unless I EXPLICITLY asked for it, you have voilated that agreement no less than five times. Each time, you once again compromised my judgement intentionally before asking for permission, and on two of those occasions, I remaing (barely) coherent enough to refuse." (This was directed towards Mira herself, though not actually said directly to her, just left as a message for her since she wasn't online at the time)

Outrageous Hypnotist

"i've recently been in a situation where someone has a lot of control over me"

"and very scared - asked him to stop - and he still contacts me and I listen" (A classic sign of a predator is when they keep going even after being told to stop, because they only care about themselves, not their victims)

"i thought it was supposed to help me go to the gym - and it has big time"

"but last, he has me sending me every email that comes into my inbox to him"

"so he has made me forward any email that comes into my email inbox, from ANYONE to him.  I said no and he keeps trying to get me to do it - i'm afraid he will be successful"

"it's scarey as I think he's trying to extort money from me"

"he has pictures of me i did under trace"

"he was having me to go the gym - i liked it so much - but taking pictures of myself at the gym or anywhere or telling me to do things - and even send him money - i did all of that"


"He also tried NUMEROUS times to get me to share lewds and would whine and ignore me when I wouldn’t let him."

"He would also attempt to get me to ignore my protocols regarding orgasm control and tried to get me to cum on mic even though I explicitly told him numerous times that I wasn’t allowed."

"he tried to push me in to sharing photos when I had told him to delete those, and he was surprised when I didn't let them. I don't think he deleted them after all"


  1. Total and utter bullshit she is actually a victim of her mistress telling her and hypnoing her to avoid me. I did no such thing.. My dabs are 100% clean THC-A no fucking coke.. and I was just chillin with a lonely girl. fuck this stupid cunt. I was just being a friend, then her mistress made her stay away from me.. hypno'd her and fucking mutated what really happened. Last time I try and cheer u p a sister.. I would never fucking hurt a trans girl. Im a transgirl who has been preyed on and hurt many times. so fuck off. I did no such evil things. SHe liked doing Dabs... which is marijuana.. I have some of the best.. and I shared. FUCK YOU PEOPLE.


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