Listen in awe and you'll hear him...

Ten Actual Video Game Secrets You Thought Were Hoaxes

1. The Princess Heart costume and "Sexy Beam" attack in Silent Hill 3

To unlock the Princess Heart costume, which is a magical girl-parody outfit that seems very out of place in the psychological horror setting of Silent Hill, complete the game on any difficulty setting and an option called "Extra New Game" will appear on the menu. Select this and complete the game again, obtaining any ending, making sure to defeat the majority of enemies with melee attacks rather than shooting. At the end, you will unlock the Princess Heart costume and the Beam Sabre. Equip the costume and the Beam Sabre will change into the Sexy Beam.

2. Unlocking Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy Tactics

Yes, Cloud Strife, the massive-sword-wielding badass protagonist from Final Fantasy VII, is an optional unlockable character in Final Fantasy Tactics. Here's how to unlock him. This must be done with Ramza's party.
1. Make sure you have Mustadio Bunansa in Ramza Beoulve's party.
2. Defeat Belias and enter Chapter 4.
3. Go to the Clockwork City of Goug, where you will find Besrudio, Mustadio's father. Talk to him.
4. Recruit Beowulf Cadmus from the Royal City of Lesalia and take him to the coal mine in the Mining Town of Gollund.
5. After saving Reis Duelar, Ramza will obtain the Zodiac Stone.
6. After defeating Zalmour Lucianada for the second time, talk to Besrudio.
7. Hear the rumour about Zeltennia Castle.
8. Go to Nelveska Temple and defeat Construct 7.
9. Allow Reis to stay in your party. You will get another Zodiac Stone.
10. Go to Besrudio and give him the two Zodiac Stones.
11. On the way to Limberry Castle, buy a flower from the flower girl in the Trade City of Sal Ghidos.
12. When you next arrive in Sal Ghidos, you will see Cloud. Talk to him and agree to help him.
13. After you help him, Cloud will join the party. However, in order for him to use his Limit Break skills, you must retrieve the Materia Blade from the top of the tall pillar in Mount Bervenia.

3. Missingno. in Pokémon

Note: Missingno. only appears in the original English translations of Pokémon Red and Blue, not in the remakes or in any of the other foreign-language translations (with the possible exception of the Japanese version). In order to encounter this legendary glitch Pokémon, here is what you must do.

1. Make sure you have a Pokémon that can use Fly and one that can use Surf.
2. Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man who tells you how to catch Pokémon. It doesn't matter whether you choose to view the tutorial.
3. Immediately after the conversation, fly to Cinnabar Island.
4. Without talking to anyone, walk to the right side of the island and Surf up and down the island, along the coast.
5. You will start to encounter extremely powerful and out-of-place Pokémon. Keep going and eventually you will encounter a glitchy block with the name of Missingno.
6. Be warned that catching this Pokémon may cause your game to become very glitchy. Do so at your own risk.
7. Fight and defeat Missingno., and you will find that the sixth item in your inventory has now increased by a significant amount. You can repeat this as many times as you like.

4. The New Game+ mode in ICO where Yorda's dialogue is translated.

This only appears in the PAL version of the game, which caused many American players to dismiss it as a rumour. Normally, in the game ICO, Yorda's subtitles are rendered as random symbols. (All characters speak a constructed language). However, completing the game and starting a New Game Plus will result in Yorda's subtitles being translated into English, allowing you to understand what she's saying and adding a bit more depth to this fantastic and underrated game.

5. Playing as Samus in a bikini in the original Metroid.

Yes, believe it or not, it is possible to play the original NES game Metroid with intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran ditching her body- (and gender-) concealing Power Suit for a more revealing number, just by beating the game in under 60 minutes. Easy, right?

More coming soon.


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