This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof

Twilight's Vocabulary - A Guide

I've been meaning to do this forever but kept putting it off. Now I'm finally doing it. All my strange turns of phrase and character tics, documented here for your not-reading pleasure. This is written in third person, mainly because I wanted to style it like I'm some kind of strange creature (which is true) or video game character (which I wish were true) or something like that.

"Voi, voi..." More or less a vocal sigh, twilight will say this when she's feeling particularly exasperated with something. Originates from Finnish.
"Fwee..." Pronounced more like "fhee" with a noticeable breath of air after the "f", this vocalisation means that twilight is exhausted or worn out. It can be either negative or positive, depending on the situation - sometimes, twilight will make this sound after completing a task or a particularly difficult section of a video game, for instance. Originates from Kamen Rider Wizard.
"Mitsuru, I'm dying..." Basically a step up (or down?) from "Fwee...", this means that twilight is incredibly exhausted and may even be slightly in pain (for instance, after having done a LOT of walking). Originates from a Persona 3 meme.
"I can't believe it!" Used during the "scoring" part of the Tuesday night pub quiz, this exclamation is used whenever an answer that twilight thought of, but didn't write down, turns out to have been the correct answer. Originates from Sonic X.
"Oh, no way!" Similar to the above, this is when the correct answer turns out to be something that twilight didn't think of, but really should have thought of. Also originates from Sonic X.
"Hmmm... That's a wonderful idea!" Twilight's usual response when someone offers her something she enjoys, such as going out to eat. Essentially means "I willingly and enthusiastically accept your offer". Originates from Undertale, which itself got it from Ronald McDonald.
"All prams lead to the Kensington Gardens." Twilight's very bizarre way of saying "All possible paths/routes lead to the destination" when walking/travelling somewhere and coming upon a path split of some kind. (Sometimes the "the" is omitted). Originates from The Little White Bird by J. M. Barrie, though twilight got it from the Infocom text adventure game Trinity.
"I am a cat, after all." Used to explain any time twilight seems to behave particularly cat-like, or to justify her sharing cat-like traits. Originates from One Piece.
"Let's-a do this hoopderscotch!" Essentially twilight psyching herself up to do something that she really doesn't want to do, but has to anyway. Originates from JonTron's Hercules Games video. (Twilight has no idea what "hoopderscotch" actually means, if anything, but in her own vocabulary, it basically means "something you have to do but that you really don't enjoy doing".)
"I just don't... really wanna do this, but... eh, you know, contracts and the sort..." Similar to the above, basically twilight complaining about having to do something she doesn't want to do. Originates from JonTron's Bubsy video.
"Welcome to the fantasy zone! Get ready!" Indicates twilight's excitement upon facing a boss battle in a video game. Originates from Space Harrier. If facing the final boss or true final boss, she will preface with "The final stage is before you! Now's the time to show all that you have learned!" and if facing a giant boss, will preface with "Warning! The huge enemy [enemy name] is approaching!" When battling a super-difficult optional boss, twilight will instead say "Welcome to the danger zone. Are you ready?"
"Hit!" Used in a variety of circumstances, so it's difficult to categorise or define this one. Twilight has been heard to exclaim this when doing anything from connecting a successful attack in a game, to managing to throw a piece of rubbish into a bin from a distance. Essentially translates as "Success!", more or less. Though it's used for specific actions, not general completion of tasks.
"IT'SH DONE!" Used when twilight has completed a particularly difficult or unpleasant (or just boring) task. Originates from the Infinite Visions Stratovarius DVD.
"You shouldn't have any problems. You've already been through this." Usually this is something twilight says to herself, to reassure herself when worried about doing something she's done before but which still makes her nervous (for instance, travelling a large distance via public transport on her own). Originates from a Newgrounds game called The Bright in the Screen.


When searching for something in a specific area, twilight may whistle (as if trying to call something or someone) when entering the area. If she only knows or suspects it's in the room/building somewhere, she will often look around while sniffing the air (as if trying to pick up its scent, maybe?). If she knows its possible location more precisely (like what shelf it's on, or something) she will "sweep" her hand over the area in question and call out "Scanning charge!" (which originates from Kamen Rider OOO). Whether or not this actually helps her find said item is still unconfirmed.
Clicking - Twilight will make many different clicking sounds with her mouth to denote various emotions. A loud clicking at the back/side of her mouth denotes annoyance or irritation with something - the louder the clicking, the more intense the emotion, while the more spaced-out the clicks, the more "long-term" said annoyance is. A rapid clicking/ticking sound at the front of the mouth indicates trying to relieve a physical discomfort of some sort, whether being too hot, too cold, sore/in pain, or something else.
Twilight will sometimes gently bite on her index finger, usually around the finger joint. It's still unclear as to why exactly she does this, but the most popular theory is that it helps her relax when she's feeling a bit tense/wound up. She has also been seen to do it when trying to figure something out (like a puzzle in a game), suggesting it also helps her focus.
She has also been seen to hold her right thumbnail between her teeth, not actually "biting her nails" like people do out of stress, but just keeping it held there. Again, the exact reason for this is unclear, but it most likely relates to the above, given that she has been observed doing it in the same situations. It may indicate that she has come up with a possible solution to the problem, or just a good idea in general.
When stressed/worried about something, twilight has a habit of rapidly tapping her thumb against her finger, as if repeatedly pressing a button on a game controller.
When starting to undertake a task, twilight will often make a ring with the fingers on one hand, then tap it sharply against the palm of her other hand, possibly as a sort of "okay, let's get to it!" gesture.
When trying to decide what to do, or decide whether or not to do something, twilight can often be seen looking around, particularly at the walls or ceiling of the room, but in a manner which suggests she's heard something and is trying to find the source of the noise. If you see twilight doing this, don't bother wondering what she's heard, she's probably just considering something or trying to think of something to do.
If twilight starts thinking about or imagining something she really doesn't want to think about at the moment (or ever), she'll often make a gesture with her hand as if trying to push something aside, perhaps actually trying to "push away" the bad thoughts. It surprisingly seems to work rather well.
If twilight sees something she really doesn't like in a TV show (anime or live action), such as a character abusing children, hurting cats, or anything else particularly horrible, she'll either make an X with her arms crossed at the wrist (as if saying "Stop!") or make the above "pushing aside" gesture, but more rapidly and frequently. Either of these mean twilight is REALLY not comfortable with what she's seeing (though she most likely will continue watching anyway, if only for the benefit of seeing said character hopefully get what's coming to them).


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