'Cause you look so much cuter with something in your mouth

Decided to do this OC quiz again. This time, it's September's turn.

September: I'll give a great performance, as always.

1. Pick which OC you are going to answer this in.
2. Answer all the questions Truthfully. Make it interesting!


Name: September. And yes, that's my real name. I was named after the song by Earth, Wind and Fire, because both my parents loved it.
Birthdate: May 12, 1994.
Birth Place: Somewhere in LA, I don't know what it was called exactly.
Current Location: In your deepest dreams and wildest fantasies. And also Finland.
Eye Color: I don't know, it keeps changing. What does it look like to you?
Hair Color: Many.
Height: I'm very tall.
Weight: I have a slender, dancer's figure.
Tattoos: Would you paint over a portrait as beautiful as this?
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: My precious doll, April, and also Caroline before her.
Overused Phrase: I don't overuse any phrases, what are you talking about?


Food: Lollipops, duh.
Candy: See above.
Number: Eight, because when you turn it on its side, it represents infinity.
Color: Pink, though I think all colours are beautiful, especially pastel ones.
Animal: I love every creature on this Earth. And especially cats.
Drink: I like juice, mainly.
Alcoholic Drink: I don't drink alcohol often, but I do enjoy wine now and then. And alco-pops.
Bagel: Cinnamon and raisin, with jam on.
Letter: Every letter has its own part to play, and I appreciate them all.
Body Part on preferred sex: Hair, eyes and figure in general.


Pepsi or Coke: Both are tasty.
McDonalds or Burger King: April and I both enjoy McDonald's, as strange as that may sound.
Strawberry or Watermelon: Both are sweet, tasty and make good lollipop flavours.
Hot tea or Iced tea: Iced tea, it's sweeter.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot chocolate. Especially in winter, when it's nice and warming.
Kiss or Hug: I enjoy both!
Dog or Cat: I like both, though I prefer cats.
Rap or Punk: I love all kinds of music. Yes, including rap and country.
Summer or Winter: Autumn! When the leaves have changed colour and the landscape is painted in beautiful colours.
Sad Movies or Funny Movies: Hey, I like to be happy.
Love or Money: Both are nice to have!


Bedtime: As soon as I can't keep my eyes open anymore.
Most Missed Memory: Memories come and go, such is their nature. Many have passed, but none are missed.
Best physical feature: When you look at a beautiful painting, you admire the whole, not the parts.
First Thought Waking Up: "Aww, time up already?"
Goal for this year: My goal for every year is to meet my dear Alice.
Best Friends: My special doll April is closest to my heart, and I like hanging out with June and July sometimes when I get the chance.
Weakness: I'm very forgetful, but luckily I have April to remember things for me.
Fears: Finding something wrong with April's programming. It took me so long to get her working properly...
Heritage: I may be a queen of the dance, but I'm not actually royalty.
Longest relationship: With April.


Ever Drank: Yes, a few times actually.
Ever Smoked: No, but my shows involve a lot of smoke.
Pot: Who needs pot when you have magic lollipops?
Ever been Drunk: No, April makes sure to keep me from drinking too much.
Ever been beaten up: No, I've been mobbed after my shows once or twice but never actually hurt. My security does a good job.
Ever beaten someone up: Never. I'm an artist, not a fighter.
Ever Shoplifted: I have enough money to afford anything I need.
Ever Skinny Dipped: And take my beloved swimsuit off?
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Nope, and I have no plans to.
Ever Kissed Same Sex: Yes, many times.
Been Dumped Lately: Nope. I had a few flings in school before I met Caroline, but those were only casual so I don't count them as "dumping", really.


Favorite Eye Color: Dark, like brown or black.
Favorite Hair Color: Black.
Short or Long: Kind of medium length.
Height: I like them shorter than me, which most of them are anyway.
Style: Victorian style and Elegant Gothic Lolita.
Looks or Personality: Both.
Hot or Cute: Cute, definitely cute.
Drugs and Alcohol: As long as neither are in excess.
Muscular or Really Skinny: Skinny, muscular girls are a turn-off for me. I like petite, doll-like figures.


Number of Regrets in the Past: The only things I regret are the things I didn't do.
What country/world do you want to visit: I want to visit ALL the countries.
How do you want to die: While my body may eventually pass, I want my memory to live on forever.
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes, April and I go shopping there occasionally, and April also works there so I go there to pick her up after work.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes, they're beautiful and full of energy.
Get along with your Parents: We don't talk much, but we get along fine.
Health Freak: You don't get a figure like this without being health-conscious.
Do you think you're attractive: I'm a beautiful and graceful dancer, okay? You may think I'm egotistical, but that doesn't bother me. My audience can back me on this anyway.
Want to go to college: Why? I've already been.
Do you smoke: Nope.
Do you drink: Sometimes.
Shower daily: Yep. In my swimsuit. (giggles)
Been in love: Yes, and I still am.
Do you sing: No, but my shows often have musical accompaniment.
Want to get married: I mean, April and I love each other, and I doubt that'll change whether we get married or not.
Do you want children: No, I would be a terrible parent, believe me.
Hate anyone: There are some I wish I could love more, but none I truly hate.


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