Someone said I am such a foolish girl

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite California girl July here! I've taken over this blog to talk about my favourite game of all time, The World Ends with You on the DS. I play this game obsessively, so I thought I'd come to you all and share my wisdom and experience, and give you some tips to help make the game as easy as I am. *giggle*

So to start off, let me give you some basic tips, darlings. First off, if you wanna play this game seriously, you're gonna have to learn how to use both screens at the same time. I know it sounds kinda like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach, but if you wanna get good at this game, you gotta master this skill. Practise, practise, practise. You can't rely on the computer to bail you out, darlings, especially in the harder fights. Trust me, eventually you'll get the hang of it.

Okay, now let's talk about pin setup. There's a great setup that'll make the early game a cakewalk, so let's get started!

Quick warning first though, darlings - these strategies will take a lot of patience and a fair degree of skill. Nothing in life comes easy, after all. Well, except me. *giggle*

First off, on Week 1 Day 5, take that Masamune you earned from beating the boss of the previous day and evolve it via Mingle PP. You might be saying "But I don't have any friends", but never fear, darlings, the developers got you covered. While you're in Mingle Mode, occasionally you'll meet an "alien" which will give you 100 Mingle PP for all pins you have equipped. They appear kinda rarely and randomly, so the best thing I find is just to leave your DS on Mingle Mode overnight (make sure to plug it in so it doesn't run out of battery!) Eventually you'll evolve the Masamune into Nenekiri, but you're not done with it yet. Next you need to evolve it again, this time via Shutdown PP. It takes a few days, so the honest way would just be to not play the game for a while. But if you're like me and can't bear to be away from the game for more than a few hours, you could always cheat and just set your DS calendar forward. Don't worry, darlings, I won't judge. The maximum amount of Shutdown PP you can get at a time is seven days, so just set the DS calendar forward seven days. If you don't want your DS to be in the future, then after you get the Shutdown PP, save your game and then reset the calendar back to today's date. Don't worry, you won't lose your PP. After you get enough Shutdown PP, Nenekiri will evolve into Enju. Now you need to evolve it via Shutdown PP AGAIN to finally get Yoshimitsu, which is the best Shockwave-class pin in the game. And only on the fifth day! This baby will do some damage.

On the next day, we can get a nice companion for our Yoshimitsu. Go to Natural Puppy in Cadoi City and buy Happy Beam. You'll need to evolve this via Battle PP, which means you'll have to do some fighting, I'm afraid, darlings. There's no shortcuts for this one, just equip the pin and keep fighting until it evolves. That Yoshimitsu should make battles a cinch, at least. Once you get enough Battle PP, it'll evolve into Natural Magnum. Next evolve it via Shutdown PP into Hounder Magnum. Then you'll need to evolve it via Battle PP again, which will require quite a lot of battles, so be patient and keep at it. Eventually you'll get Bear Hug Magnum. Finally, evolve it via Shutdown PP into Angel Magnum, the best Energy Rounds-class pin in the game. Set that next to your Yoshimitsu and blast your way through anything that dares oppose you.

These pins will carry you through the game easily until at least Week 2, Day 5, when coincidentally, the next awesome set of pins becomes available. So here's your mid-game setup, free of charge.

First off, buy two One Stone, Many Birds from Dragon Couture in Shibukyu Main Store. Evolve them both via Mingle PP into One Grain, Infinite Promise. Put both of them in your sub-slots. You'll understand why later, darlings.

Next, go to the Scramble Crossing. Set your difficulty to Normal, and fight Alterna Wolf until it drops two Fiery Spirit, Spirited Fire. You can lower your level to increase the drop rate if you're feeling confident enough. You'll need to evolve these, but you'll have to do it one at a time since the game won't let you equip two Class A pins with the same Psych. It's tedious, I know, but I did say this would take patience. Evolve them both one at a time, first via Shutdown PP into Flames Afar, Foes Aflame, then again via Shutdown PP into Blue Blood Burns Blue. This'll change the Psych from Pyrokinesis to Flame Blast, and change their class from A to B, meaning you can equip both of them, so do it.

So why this setup, you may be asking? Well, the One Grain, Infinite Promises are Burst Rounds-class pins, which are great for puck passing, and the more you pass that light puck, the more damage you deal. Knock the puck back and forth a few times, then switch to your Blue Blood Burns Blue and burn the enemies to ashes!

With these pins, and a little strategy and ingenuity, you'll be able to get through the rest of the story pretty easily. That just leaves the postgame, and the best pin set of all - the legendary Darklit Planets set. I hope you're ready, darlings, because this is where things get hard. And I'm not talking about... well, you can imagine. *giggle*

First, a little word about the Darklit Planets pins. On their own, they suck, and not in the fun way. But put all six together in one set, and they become devastatingly powerful. But great power always comes as a price, and these pins are probably the hardest in the game to get your hands on. So before we go and get those, let's upgrade our set a bit, shall we?

First off, before anything else, you'll need to unlock Ultimate difficulty. You can do this by buying (S) Ultimate from Real Life Solutions 3F at Shibu-Q Heads. It's a Quest item, which requires 2 Orichalcum, 6 Rare Metal and 4 Tektite. If you don't already have enough, you can buy Tektite from Shibu-Q Heads 2F when your Friendship Gauge is level 4, or you can fight Hard Corehog at 104 Building on Hard difficulty, or Decadraven and Easterraven at West Exit Bus Terminal on Hard difficulty. You can get Rare Metal from Thrash Mink at Shibukyu Main Store on Hard, and Orichalcum from Brassbanfrog on Hard, which can be found pretty much everywhere in the postgame.

Once you've gotten Ultimate difficulty, it's time to use it, so I really hope you've mastered using both screens by now, darlings, 'cause if not then you're gonna have a bad time.

First, go to Lapin Angelique in A-East and buy two Kaleidoscope. They're Quest items, so you'll have to go hunting, I'm afraid. Told you this wouldn't be easy. You need Tektite, Orichalcum and Shadow Matter. I told you where to get Tektite and Orichalcum already, so that just leaves Shadow Matter, which is dropped by Choirfrog on Ultimate difficulty. The frog enemies are pretty much the most common Noise, and found everywhere, so just pick your favourite spot and go for it. Once you have two Kaleidoscope, replace your One Grain, Infinite Promise with them.
Note: If you're having difficulty getting all the items, or don't have the patience to farm so much, you can replace one of the One Grain, Infinite Promise pins with Rhyme, which is pretty much the same as far as damage dealing potential. Up to you, darlings.

But pins aren't the only thing - there's also your outfit to worry about. I'm gonna let you know how to get the best outfit for Neku, known as the Cosmic SOS setup, which will seriously increase your power.

First, one problem you may run into is that you don't have enough BRV (Bravery) to equip these clothes. An easy way to raise BRV is to go to Week 2 Day 3 or 4 and buy loads of Pancakes from WildKat on Cat Street. Keep eating them and fighting battles to grind your BRV up.

Also, just buying these clothes isn't enough - you also need to unlock their abilities, which you do by raising your FSG (Friendship Gauge) at a certain store (not always the store you bought it from, though). You can raise your FSG by buying stuff - after all, how better to endear yourself to a shopkeeper than by buying their merchandise? However, only stuff that costs money will raise the FSG, not quest items. So keep that in mind, darlings, don't waste your hard-earned items. Also, keep in mind FSG increase doesn't overflow. What that means is that if you need to spend, say, 4000 Yen to get to the next level, and you spend 6000, the game will only count the 4000, and the extra 2000 Yen will be wasted. This means you'll have to be smart with your spending if you want to avoid wasting too much money.

Okay, first off, go to WildKat on Cat Street in the postgame and buy Your Cap, which is a Quest item. Fluffy Cotton can be bought from Real Life Solutions 2F at Shibu-Q Heads, or from Basic and Casual in Molco in exchange for 10 Rare Metal and 1 10 Yen pin. You can also get one from a Reaper quest on Week 2 Day 3 at Scramble Crossing, by making Natural Puppy the #1 trend. Just buy as many Natural Puppy threads as you can afford and keep fighting battles until Natural Puppy is the hottest thing around. Well, second hottest, after me, that is. *giggle* You can get Chicago from Wild Boar 104.

Once you've got Your Cap (really, that's what it's called), you're fine. You don't need to unlock its ability. The ability is for Beat, and Neku's gonna be wearing it, so it doesn't matter. It's just for the ATK boost.

Next up, go to Lapin Angelique. Raise your FSG to level 5, and you'll unlock Goth Bondage Coat for purchase. Sounds like something I wouldn't mind wearing. *giggle* Sadly, like all the best items in this game, it's a Quest item. You'll need Sleek Silk, which you can get from a Reaper quest on Week 1 Day 6 at Center Street Entrance, and Vampire Dress, which can be bought at Lapin Angelique, so might as well get it while you're raising the FSG. Since Goth Bondage Coat is a girl's outfit, Neku needs to have quite a lot of Bravery before he's confident enough in his masculinity to wear it, so go stuff yourself with Pancakes and grind that BRV, darlings.

The next thing on the list is, ironically enough, Vampire Dress, so just buy another one. Easy.

Next up is Black Book Bag. To get this, after you finish the game, go to Week 3 Day 3 and play through the story until you're asked to play Reaper Creeper. Move the indicator to Black to get this. It needs a ton of BRV, so get to grinding! I bet August would look good with one of these.

Once you've gotten all those clothes, you'll power Neku up considerably. But don't forget, Neku also has a partner, so if you want to power them up too, get these threads for them.
Purple Sneaks - From Tigre Punks in Molco on W1D5. Keep buying them until you unlock their ability.
Peach Turtleneck - From Mus Rattus I at 104 Building on W1D4. Its ability should be unlocked already, so no need to worry about that, darlings.
Green Warm-ups - From Mus Rattus III at Cadoi City on W1D6, ability unlocked at FSG level 3.
Naraka - From Jupiter of the Monkey at Cat Street on W2D3. Buy four of them to unlock its ability.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can replace Naraka with D+B Ring, which is more powerful, but a lot harder to get. Here's a step-by-step.

Go to D+B 104 in 104 Building. If you haven't been here yet, your FSG should be at level 1. Then buy these items (keep buying the same item until your level goes up).
Level 1: Ice Blow
Level 2: Satin Camisole
Level 3: Star Cap
Level 4: Star Cap
Level 5: Cowboy Boots (Red)
Level 6: Ice Blow, Cowboy Boots (Red) (alternate between them)
Level 7: Trade 40 Rare Metal and four 10 Yen pins to get four Stunning Crystal.

To get Rare Metal, go to W3D1 and fight Orchefrog on Easy difficulty. They appear pretty much all over the place, so you should get 40 sooner than you might think. 10 Yen pins are dropped by Bigbansprog at 104 Building on W1D4 on Normal difficulty.

After that, go to D+B Molco in Molco. Alternate between buying Stronger Cap and Denim Blouse to raise your FSG until you unlock D+B Ring. Unfortunately, you need Adamantite to buy it, which is pretty tricky to get a hold of. To get it, go to Scramble Crossing, Station Underpass, Dogenzaka or A-East, set your difficulty to Hard, and fight Jelly Neocoustic, but don't kill them. Let them multiply until they spawn a Jelly Germanic, then kill those to get Adamantite. Be patient and keep at it, darlings, and remember to save often. Once you've bought the ring, go back to D+B 104 and you'll unlock its ability.

Equip those threads to your partner and you'll get the Slapshot setup, which means super-fast puck passing for super-hard damage dealing. Nice!

Okay, now you're finally ready for the big time. The Darklit Planets set. Ready, darlings? There's no going back now.

Set your difficulty to Ultimate, then go to Week 1 Day 4 after you clear the game and go to Scramble Crossing. You should see a boss Noise, which is Megumi Kitaniji. You'll need to fight him to get Black Uranus, but here's the bad news, darlings - it has a 0.13% base drop rate. So either you'll need to fight him a lot, or lower your level, which will obviously make things a ton harder. Good luck, darlings. I did say this wouldn't be easy...

Go to Shibuya River on Another Day and look around until you find Fifenfrog. They're pretty rare, so it might take a while before you find one. Fight them on Ultimate difficulty until they drop Black Mercury. The problem is, these Noise absorb both positive and negative Psychs, meaning you'll need to use neutral Psychs or Fusion Attacks to kill them.

Next, you'll need to fight the final boss again, darlings, and yes, on Ultimate difficulty. Draco Cantus drops Black Venus on Ultimate, so keep taking him down until you finally get it.

Next up, go to Dogenzaka on W3D5 and look for the boss Noise, which is Goth Metal Drake. Beat it up on Ultimate difficulty, and if you're lucky, it'll drop Black Mars.

Still alive? Great! Just two more to go. Go to Tipsy Tose Hall on W2D2 and look for the blue Noise, which is Taboo Sho Minamimoto. You remember this guy who probably kicked your ass when you were doing the normal story? Well, now you have to beat him, and on Ultimate difficulty, no less. After probably a ridiculous amount of fighting and dying, you'll finally snatch a Black Saturn from him.

One more to go, and we've saved the best for last. And by best, I of course mean hardest. The last pin we need is Black Jupiter, which is dropped by Panthera Cantus on Ultimate difficulty - in other words, the ridiculously powerful superboss that awaits on the 13th floor of Pork City in Another Day. Equip your best threads and pins, grab your stylus, and give it all you've got, darlings! And don't feel bad if you can't do it. I can't either...

One tip, though - Black Uranus is actually pretty good by itself, if you use it right. You'll need some extra pins, darlings, so listen up.
Go to Towa Records on W3D5 and find a Pig Noise, and kill it to get Speed Factor.
Go to Concert Stage on W3D5 and fight the blue Noise, Pteropus Canor, on Ultimate difficulty until it drops Righty Cat.
Go to Molco on W1D5 and fight the blue Noise there, Cornix Canor, on Ultimate until it drops Brainy Cat.
Lastly, go to Udagawa Back Streets on W2D5 and fight that blue Noise, Uzuki Yashiro (Berserk) and Koki Kariya (Berserk), on Ultimate until they drop Lefty Cat.

Now, if you equip Black Uranus, Speed Factor, Righty Cat, Brainy Cat and Lefty Cat, Black Uranus's reboot time will drop to 1.05 seconds, which means you can use it faster than it runs out. With a little skill and timing, you can basically juggle enemies infinitely, and this even works on Panthera Cantus, so give it a shot!

Well, it's been a long and hard journey, darlings, but hopefully I've helped you out. Happy playing, darlings, and until next time! Bye bye!


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