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Cuphead - All Boss Death Quotes

Just because.

The Root Pack
Sal Spudder: Buttered, smashed, and mashed. It's over for you.
Ollie Bulb: Hey little guy, it's O.K. if you have to cry!
Chauncey Chantenay: I'm lean, mean, and full of beta-carotene.

Goopy Le Grande
Phase 1: With a face like mine is it a crime to be bouncing all the time?
Phase 2: I'm a handsome slime bringing pain -- one bounce at a time!
Phase 3: I'm very smashing... even in grave situations!

Hilda Berg
Phase 1: Fitting, isn't it? I'm a blimp -- you're a wimp.
Phase 2: You won't get too far... it's been foretold in the stars.
Phase 3: You lost too soon and I was only half moon!

Cagney Carnation
Phase 1: Fools who attempt to fight this will leave with allergic rhinitis!
Phase 2: Extreme pollination and total domination!

Ribby and Croaks
Phase 1: We've had fightin' souls since we've been tiny tadpoles.
Phase 2: Crude and bad, 'cause we're from the wrong side of the lily pad.
Phase 3: You went for broke and now you're croaked!

Forest Follies: Nowhere to run, nowhere to go -- this forest is yer foe!

Treetop Trouble: Who invited you into our tree? Only members are welcome, ya see?

Baroness Von Bon Bon
Lord Gob Packer: How's the jaw, ol' chum?
Sir Waffington III: Straight off the iron and too hot to handle!
Kernel Von Pop: For me, a sweet tooth is fiendishly uncouth!
Muffsky Chernikov: Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious.
Sargent Gumbo Gumbull: I chew 'em up and spit 'em out.
Whippet Creampup (Final phase): I won't sugarcoat it... you never stood a chance!

Beppi the Clown
Phase 1: Why'd the clown drive over the cup? He wanted to crack him up.
Phase 2: What'd the balloon animals think of the cup? Quite the gob-let-down!
Phase 3: Knock knock. Who's there? Charlie. Charlie who? Charlie horse!
Phase 4: What do you call a cup that falls off a swing? A tumbler!

Djimmi the Great
Phase 1: You look the fool, falling for the first trick I learnt at genie school.
Phase 2: You really didn't stack up.
Phase 3: Do you need to borrow my sarcophagus?
Phase 4: That beating was for free -- no strings attached!
Phase 5: I need a new volunteer... this one collapsed in fear!

Grim Matchstick
Phase 1: Don't m-m-m-misunderstand my flames -- I just meant fun and games.
Phase 2: Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in the h-h-h-hot seat...
Phase 3: One..two..three! You'd b-b-b-etter flee!

Wally Warbles
Phase 1: I own the air -- I fly where eagles dare!
Phase 2 (Willy Warbles): My dad's the brawn and I'm all brains! Together, we bring the pain.
Phase 3: Even without my feathers, you're in for stormy weather!

Funfair Fever: You did look foolish today, but clown tryouts are next week.

Funhouse Frazzle: We ain't toyin' around with you, now scram!

Rumor Honeybottoms
Phase 1 (Bob Bee): Doggone! We got ourselves a good ol' fashioned honey heist.
Phase 2: Hey sugar, this honey is off limits. Now scram.
Phase 3: Dominate and bombinate -- that's how I bee!

Captain Brineybeard
Phase 1: Yer skills be like me buried treasure...just a myth!
Phase 2 (Shippy): HAW-HAW-HAW-HAW-HAW!

Sally Stageplay
Phase 1: Break a leg...nah, break two!
Phase 2: Stay away from center stage or succumb to the power of a starlet's rage!
Phase 3: Good riddance -- go away! It is time for my soliloquy.
Phase 4: Please exit stage left during my standing ovation!

Werner Werman
Phase 1: Zat vas easy as eins, zwei, drei!
Phase 2: Zis tank is ze ultimate veapon. You vill not vin!
Phase 3: Hiss! Hiss! Me-e-e-e-ow!!

Dr. Kahl's Robot
Phase 3: I have the perfect equation to hinder yer evasion!

Cala Maria
Phase 1: You are a cutie...I am not sure if I should catch and release!
Phase 2: You dare to gaze?! How 'bout stone boots so you can swim with the fishes!
Phase 3: Holy mackerel! Is that your best effort?

Phantom Express
Phase 1 (Blind Specter): I can...see...into the future. You...will be...counting worms.
Phase 2 (Conductor): All aboard!! Next stop -- your funeral.
Phase 3 (Lollipop Ghouls): Sorry! This train is only for the dead...but we can help you with that.
Phase 4 (Head of the Train): What a glorious night for me to bring the fright!

Perilous Piers: The Fish Federation and the Crustacean Nation are victorious once again!

Rugged Ridge: You'll never best a bluff, persevere a peak, or curb a cliff -- just give up now!
Cyclops: Fee fi fo fum, I'm the guardian of this ruined land.

King Dice
Tipsy Troop: Go sleep *hic* it off... you look a little *hic* rough!
Chips Bettigan: Hey short stack! This ain't a place you wanna be hanging 'round.
Mr. Wheezy: Looks like you could use some fresh air.
Pip and Dot: You set them up, I'll knock them down.
Hopus Pocus: ...and PRESTO!! The cup has completely disappeared.
Phear Lap: This derby is over and the results are in. Last place...YOU!
Pirouletta: Ah-ha! You've noticed that my style is very Russian!
Mangosteen: Fault, scratch and choke -- are you trying to hustle me?
Mr. Chimes: Monkey see, monkey doom.
King Dice: So clever, so dapper, ya betta' believe this dice is loaded. Hi-de-ho!

The Devil
Phase 1: You broke our deal... now it's my turn to break you!!!
Phase 2: Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed!

Mausoleum I: Get lost! You hear me? This tomb is only for the eerie!

Mausoleum II: Yet another spooktacular performance from the Spectre Syndicate.

Mausoleum III: Is success achievable? Not when we are this un-boo-lievable!


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