Running all the lights with the girl of his dreams

 How about some pointless trivia about... me? Hey, why not? XD

Look it's my blog and I can do what I want, shh

I originally considered changing my name to Sarah when I transitioned, but after some thought, I realised it didn't really fit me. I thought about it and I've always liked April as a girl's name, so I picked that one. Though among friends, I'm twilight.

Yes, my name is spelled with a small t (twilight, not Twilight). The origin of that? It's a story I've told before, but it came from me being in an old hypnosis channel on IRC which had a rule where your name had to start with a capital letter if you were dominant or a small letter if you were submissive. Since I mostly identified as a sub at the time, I had to change my name to "twilight", and I liked how it looked, so I kept it.

The character named twilight who is based on me and who appears in a few pictures on Hypnohub originated in a hypno-themed MUD game called Legend of the Green Dragon, which was itself a hypno-themed parody of another MUD called Legend of the Red Dragon. She was actually the second character I played, the first being a male elf. Twilight the catgirl also started out as male, but got turned female in-game due to a random event, and this happened so many times that I eventually decided to just keep her as female. This was way before I realised I was trans, so it was rather prophetic, in a way. The reason she's a catgirl in-universe is that she was the child of a human and a Felyne (a race in the game, who are basically anthropomorphic cats), so she got the physical traits of both.

The character's full name is Dawn twilight L. I usually call her Dawn to differentiate her from me. Her name used to be Dawn Twilight Lord (same as my actual online handle, minus the Dawn part), but she changed her last name to L because, like me, she was tired of telling people "It's a name, not a title" whenever they made a comment along the lines of "Shouldn't it be Twilight Lady?". Yes, her last name is actually L, it's not an initial or anything.

The very first character I ever created was a teenage boy named Emerald, who was essentially a self-insert. I do have another character named Emerald now, but she has no relation. Emerald I had a fascination with weapons and had special attacks involving daggers, some of which I borrowed for later characters. 

Even long before I realised I was trans, I always hated my birth name. And no, I'm not telling you what it was. When I was young, I wanted people to call me Emerald (hence the character's name). Over time, I adapted the name Jutah (taken from a PlayStation game called Silent Bomber), which also became the name of one of my characters (who was originally a self-insert, but then drifted away from that as time went on). Then when that name started being taken, I started putting things like "Dark", "Shadow" and "Yami" (Japanese for "Dark") in front of it (I was like 15 at the time, leave me alone). Then I started using TwilightJutah as a name for a while, but then people kept calling me Twilight, and after some time of correcting them, I gave up and just called myself Twilight. Which later became twilight. And now you know the story behind my name.

My name also has nothing to do with the Twilight series of books/movies, or with Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. It predates both of those things, though I am a fan of the second one.

I'm lesbian, demiromantic, and polyamorous. I currently have three partners, two female and one male.

My favourite anime is No Game No Life. My favourite video game is Persona 5: The Royal. My all-time favourite band is Stratovarius, with Sonata Arctica a very close second.

I'm autistic. Yeah. I'm fully verbal (most of the time, unless I'm stressed) and can mostly function in society, but I am definitely on the spectrum.

I'm an introvert. I need lots of time on my own, away from other people. If I'm around other people too much, I get restless.

The best foods to cheer me up with are fried chicken, doughnuts and ice cream. My favourite foods also include pizza, fajitas, pasta with lots of cheese, and most junk food and sweets.

I am a texture eater, which means certain foods have textures I can't handle. Anything foamy like whipped cream counts, as well as certain mushy things like purée. I also just can't handle cooked spinach in most forms, like, at all. Even the sight of it will make me gag sometimes.

I LOVE cheese. I put it on almost everything. Cheese is my all-time favourite food. My favourite type of cheese is Gudbrandsdalen, which is a type of whey cheese from Norway.

My favourite drink is Dr Pepper, though I only drink it on special occasions because I try to avoid caffeine. It gives me headaches if I drink too much.

I don't drink alcohol habitually. I will drink if there's a special occasion, or if there's a new kind of alcoholic drink I'm interested in trying, but apart from that I try to avoid drinking it.

I don't smoke or do drugs, though I am curious to try weed. I tried it once, but it didn't really affect me that much. I never plan to take up smoking or vaping, though.

I'm an anarcho-communist. My ideal system is one where there are no classes, where everyone is treated equally and works together to make things better, and where private property and currency don't exist.

I'm asexual, in the sense that I have no interest in actual sex. I am definitely still kinky though, and I do sometimes get aroused too. And yes, I do masturbate on occasion.

My two major fetishes are hypnosis/mind control and sleepiness. I have others too, but those are the two big ones.

In terms of D/s stuff I'm a switch, though in terms of hypno stuff I'm pretty much always a hypnotist since my mind is still stubborn and doesn't like to let me go into trance. I have different names for my different states of domminess/subbiness, too:
Mistress - Strict, no-nonsense domme, straightforward and takes charge. Can be a little harsh sometimes, and not above punishing people who try to disobey her.
Miss twilight - A softer, more gentle domme. This one will cuddle you and lull you into trance by purring softly and stroking your hair, relaxing you deep into trance before having some fun.
twilight - That's me! The neutral, switchy catgirl. This is mostly when I'm not in the mood for any D/s or hypno play.
Kitty - My subby side, a silly pet who lets others think for her and tell her what to do, because she knows they're smarter than her and they know what's best for her. Side note: Addressing me as "Kitty" before giving me a command will make me more likely to obey the command. It's not a trigger or anything, I just discovered that it's a thing for some reason. The effect may fade if it's used too much, and of course, I won't do stuff that's impossible or that would be a bad idea to do.

Booping my nose makes me meow. Use this information as you wish. Again, not a trigger per se, more of a conditioned reflex.

If you put something on my head, I will sit completely still and not move until it's either taken off or I'm told that I can move. Again, not a trigger. It's just... something that happens. I don't even know why.

I was born in England, but I'm also part Irish on my father's side. I prefer to consider myself "British" above anything else, mostly because I don't particularly like England and don't like to associate myself with it.

The only hot drink I like is hot chocolate. I don't like coffee or tea.

I'm a huge linguaphile. Foreign languages fascinate me. I love hearing the ways different languages sound. I always like to watch/play things in their original language whenever possible. The only language I speak fluently is English, but I know a smattering of phrases in several other languages. One of the goals on my bucket list is to learn at least one word or phrase in every language. So far, I can cross off English, French, Gernan, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Portuguese, Russian, Greek, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Norwegian, Swedish, Hawaiian, Arabic, Latin and Finnish from that list. I love listening to people speaking another language, even if I don't understand it. 

Translation is another thing that fascinates me. I love learning about translation differences or mistakes in things.

Oh, and one final thing: My "Love and peace" outro/signoff originates from a song called "Sekai wa Sore o Ai to Yobundaze" by Sambomaster. Though I only say "Love and peace" when I leave - if someone else is leaving, I say "Farewell" or "See ya". (I use "Farewell" as just another word for "Goodbye", not to mean like a final goodbye.) One of my favourite things is when I say "Love and peace" when leaving and the other person says it back to me. It almost never happens, but it makes me so happy when it does.

And with that, I'm out. Love and peace!


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