Let's get started, ready steady go!

 This is kind of me resurrecting a really old post from my DeviantArt journal (don't go looking for it). Who remembers StarCraft? Probably a lot of people. One of my favourite parts of it was the cheat codes. Basically, if you typed certain phrases into the in-game chat, it would unlock things or change things for you. So I'm going to list them for you now, as well as explain some of the references behind them.

Note: All these phrases must be typed in lowercase, with no punctuation or anything else in the line, in order for the cheat to activate.

power overwhelming - Makes your units invincible
Reference: "Power overwhelming" is one of the lines used by the Archon unit in the game, which became something of a meme.

the gathering - Makes abilities not consume any energy
Reference: To the card game Magic: The Gathering (because it gives you infinite "magic").

game over man - Causes you to instantly lose.
Reference: To Hudson's line "Game over, man! Game over!" in the movie Aliens.

black sheep wall - Reveals the entire map
Reference: To the song "Black Sheep Wall" by The Innocence Mission, from their self-titled debut album.

breathe deep - Gives you 500 vespene gas

food for thought - Removes the cap on psi/supply/control

medieval man - Enables all abilities
Reference: This is actually a reference to a cheat in another Blizzard game. In Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, entering the cheat "disco" would cause a hidden song titled "I'm a Medieval Man" to play.

modify the phase variance - Ignores building prerequisites
Reference: To the Star Trek franchise

noglues - Disables the exposition briefings in between campaign levels
Reference: Another reference to a cheat in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - in that game, entering the cheat "noglues" would disable the briefing cutscenes, which were known as "glues" internally (presumably as they were what "glued" the campaigns together).

operation cwal - Faster building and instant upgrades
Reference: To a fan forum called Operation CWAL created before the release of StarCraft, by excited fans awaiting the game's release. CWAL stands for Can't Wait Any Longer.

ophelia - Enables the mission select
Reference: To the album Ophelia by Natalie Merchant.

race# - Skips to the selected mission (replace race with terran, protoss or zerg as appropriate, and replace # with the mission number. For the missions in the StarCraft: Brood War expansion, add an x before the race, e.g. xprotoss. For xzerg4, you can add a letter to change how many infested command centers you start with, with a being 0 and f being 5, for instance.)

radio free zerg - Changes the background music to the secret Zerg theme song (only works while playing as the Zerg in Brood War)
Reference: To Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a radio station that broadcast into Eastern Europe during the Cold War

show me the money - Gives you 10000 minerals and vespene gas. Can be repeated as many times as you need.
Reference: To a line from the movie Jerry Maguire, shouted repeatedly over the phone by the title character.

something for nothing - Upgrades all weapons, armour and shields by one level
Reference: To the common saying "You can't get something for nothing."

staying alive - Allows you to continue playing after the mission is complete
Reference: To the song "Stayin' Alive" by Bee Gees, from the movie Saturday Night Fever.

there is no cow level - Instantly win the current mission.
Reference: There was a popular and prevalent rumour that there was a "secret cow level" in the Blizzard game Diablo, where supposedly if you approached a certain cow and repeatedly examined it, you would be transported to a secret level. It wasn't true, but the rumour was acknowledged in many Blizzard games, and a cow level of sorts was actually included in the sequel, Diablo II.

war aint what it used to be - Removes the fog of war, allowing you to see the entire map

whats mine is mine - Gives you 500 minerals. Can be repeated.
Reference: Punning on "mine" as in "belonging to me" and "mine" as in "a place where rocks and crystals are harvested, or the act of harvesting said rocks and crystals"

zoom zoom - Lets you zoom in and out more than usual
Reference: To the slogan of the car company Mazda.


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