Why Petruccio/EvilPsychiatrist/NeuralNet Is an Asshole

So, still need convincing that EP/NN/whatever he's called is a jerk who's not worth wasting your time with? Here are some excerpts from his own room.

Obviously this is condensed, but I'm not leaving out anything important.

howdy, NueralNet
NeuralNet-stupid typing dyslexia
dyslexia is for reading. If it's for writing, it's dysgraphia.
<@NeuralNet> I think that they're connected, and that the word has sort of spilled past its most literal meaning.
<@NeuralNet> Incidentally:
<@NeuralNet> Medical Definition of DYSLEXIA. : a variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing.
<@NeuralNet> So, although you're correct about the ETYMOLOGY, most definitions will still group writing and reading together. OK?
yes, Sir!
<@NeuralNet> :)
<@NeuralNet> I meant TungstenCarbide, who seemed set on trolling.
...So... ONE line correcting someone and he's "set on" trolling? Okay then...

Note also that he tends to ban people for not agreeing with him. Or more like... for disagreeing with him in ANY way. Even if you address it in a non-confrontational manner with him. Disagree with him on a topic? Ban. Don't answer when he talks to you? Ban. Don't like the same flavour of ice cream that he does? Ban. Why so many people sub to this guy and let him control them, I have no idea.


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