Baby, you were born this way

Found this on Dina's blog, so decided to do it myself. Pride Month survey time!
1. What’s your gender?
Trans female.
2. What are your pronouns?
3. Is your family accepting?
Yes, which I'm very grateful for. I know a lot of trans girls (and LGBT+ people in general) whose families aren't accepting at all, so I consider myself very lucky that mine is.
4. What do you wish you could tell your past self?
My past self was kind of a self-absorbed, arrogant prick, so while there's a lot I'd like to be able to tell her, I doubt she'd actually take any of it to heart.
5. What is your sexuality?
I'm a lesbiab. Lesbiam. Less Bien. Girls.
6. Favorite color?
7. Sun gay or moon gay?
I have no idea what this means, but... moon?
8. When did you find out your sexuality?
It was a very gradual process. I started getting more comfortable presenting as female online around 2011-2012, but I never fully realised I was trans until around 2013-ish.
9. How was your day?
10. Do you have any gay friends?
11. What’s your favorite hobby?
Playing video games, mainly.
12. Who’s the best gay icon in your opinion?
I can think of many LGBT+ celebrities I admire, but none who are actually gay. Except maybe Adam Lambert. I like his music.
13. Which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?
The soft pastel colours of the trans flag look really good to me.
14. Are you openly out?
Yes, though it's give or take on whether people actually notice.
15. Are you comfortable with yourself?
Absolutely. Anyone who doesn't like me living this way can go jump in a lake.
16. Bottom or top?
I can be either, but I usually default to bottom.
17. Femme or butch?
The only thing holding me back from being super-femme is my own laziness. In an ideal world, I'd be the most feminine, girly girl you ever laid eyes on. I'm talking super long hair, makeup, dresses, the works.
18. Do you bind?
19. Do you shave?
Yep. Facial hair isn't very feminine.
20. If you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be?
Sakura Futaba from Persona 5. Hey, you did say anyone.
21. Do you have a partner (s)?
Yes, I have two.
22. Describe your partner (s)?
They're both trans and both awesome. One's in a band and the other's German.
23. Have you ever dated anyone of the same sex?
I'm currently dating two!
24. anyone of another sex?
Yes, I even married one once.
25. pastel gay or goth gay?
I like both, but I have a certain weakness for the goth aesthetic. In a different ideal world, I'd be a beautiful soft goth girl.
26. Favorite dad in dream daddies?
I've never played it.
27. Tell me a random fact about yourself?
I dislike "making out". Quick kisses are fine, but making out with tongue and stuff just isn't enjoyable to me. I'm also asexual, so there's that too.
28. Do you own any pride flags/merch?
Sadly not, but hopefully one day.
29. Have you ever been to a pride parade?
No, but my girlfriends have. And I went to a pride festival in Lancaster once, but didn't stay long because I hadn't really planned to go (I was out for an unrelated reason and just happened to pass through it) and because it was supremely hot that day.
30. Any advice to someone who isn’t out or who are exploring themselves?
I know this phrase has become kind of a cliché at this point, but no matter your gender identity or sexual preference, you are valid. You're not a freak, or a weirdo, or living in sin, or mentally ill, or "just confused", or "going through a phase", or any of the numerous other insults or falsehoods people may tell you. Like the song I quoted in the title says: you were born this way, so own it, and be who you want to be. Don't let anyone stop you.


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