
Showing posts from September, 2015

Like no one ever was

I'm gonna see if I can explain the etymology behind the names of the first 151 Pokémon. This is all my doing, I'm not looking anything other than the Pokémon's names up here. So here we go! 1. Bulbasaur - From "bulb" (in the plant sense, not in the light sense) and "dinosaur". 2. Ivysaur - From "ivy" (a plant) and "dinosaur". 3. Venusaur - Venus from Venus flytrap, a plant that eats insects, and saur from dinosaur. 4. Charmander - Char meaning to scorch or burn, and mander from salamander, a type of lizard associated with fire in folklore. 5. Charmeleon - Char + chameleon. 6. Charizard - Char + lizard. 7. Squirtle - From "squirt" (to shoot liquids at high speed, referencing its status as a Water-type) and "turtle". 8. Wartortle - From "war", "tortoise" and "turtle". 9. Blastoise - From "blast" (referencing its water guns) and "tortoise". 10. Caterpie - Mo

I thought love was only true in fairy tales

I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite mondegreens (look it up if you don't know what it means). Song: "One" by Metallica Misheard line: For my breakfast I wish for tea Actual line: Hold my breath as I wish for death Song: "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix Misheard line: Excuse me while I kiss this guy Actual line: Excuse me while I kiss the sky Notes: Everyone knows this one, including Jimi himself. He used to poke fun at the mishearing when performing the song live, by singing "excuse me while I kiss this guy" or "that guy" and pointing to or kissing one of his male band members. Song: "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival Misheard line: There's a bathroom on the right Actual line: There's a bad moon on the rise Notes: Another mondegreen that the performers would make fun of in live performances, by singing "There's a bathroom on the right/left" and pointing in the general

Listen in awe and you'll hear him...

Ten Actual Video Game Secrets You Thought Were Hoaxes 1. The Princess Heart costume and "Sexy Beam" attack in Silent Hill 3 To unlock the Princess Heart costume, which is a magical girl-parody outfit that seems very out of place in the psychological horror setting of Silent Hill, complete the game on any difficulty setting and an option called "Extra New Game" will appear on the menu. Select this and complete the game again, obtaining any ending, making sure to defeat the majority of enemies with melee attacks rather than shooting. At the end, you will unlock the Princess Heart costume and the Beam Sabre. Equip the costume and the Beam Sabre will change into the Sexy Beam. 2. Unlocking Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy Tactics Yes, Cloud Strife, the massive-sword-wielding badass protagonist from Final Fantasy VII, is an optional unlockable character in Final Fantasy Tactics. Here's how to unlock him. This must be done with Ramza's party. 1. Make sure yo