
Showing posts from September, 2014

Share the one world now!

In order to celebrate completing the Tattle Log (read: enemy bestiary) in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, I thought I'd write it out for you. Obviously spoilers, so don't look if you ever plan to complete this game. I've even included the Japanese names of the enemies too, because I'm just awesome like that. 1. Goomba Japanese Name: Kuribō (Roughly "Chestnut People", derived from "kuri", meaning "chestnut") Location: Various Max HP: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 Description: The underling of underlings. No other distinguishing characteristics. 2. Paragoomba Japanese Name: Patakuribō (From "pata", an onomatopoeia for a flapping sound, and kuribō, Goomba's Japanese name) Location: Various Max HP: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 Description: A Goomba with wings. Can't reach it with a hammer while it's in the air, but once it's damaged, its wings get clipped. It's kind of sad, really. 3. Spiky Goomba Japa

Give yourself up to me

So, remember that thing I did before where I wrote how the levels in Sonic Adventure 2 would be pronounced if they were written in katakana? Well, now I'm taking my obsession to a new level by doing the same thing with the islands in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Yes, all of them. Pray for me. Forsaken Fortress - Fōseiken Fōtoresu Star Island - Sutā Airando Northern Fairy Island - Nōzan Fearī Airando Gale Isle - Geiru Airu Crescent Moon Island - Kuresento Mūn Airando Seven-Star Isles - Sebun Sutā Airuzu Overlook Island - Ōbārukku Airando Four-Eye Reef - Fō-Ai Rīfu Mother & Child Isles - Mazā ando Chairudo Airuzu Spectacle Island - Supekutakuru Airando Windfall Island - Uindofōru Airando Pawprint Isle - Pōpurinto Airu Dragon Roost Island - Doragon Rūsuto Airando Flight Control Platform - Furaito Kontorōru Purattohōmu Western Fairy Island - Uesutan Fearī Airando Rock Spire Isle - Rokku Supaia Airu Tingle Island - Chinkuru Airando Northern Triangle Isle -