
No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgender life

 A guide to inclusive LGBTQ+ vocabulary for all the corporations out there during Pride Month. "Is", not "identifies as". For example, "is transgender" or "is asexual", not "identifies as transgender" or "identifies as asexual". The same applies when speaking about a transgender person's gender identity - a trans woman is a woman, she does not "identify as" a woman. "LGBTQIA+" is preferred over "LGBT". The letters stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic. The A does not stand for Ally. "Transgender" (or trans), not "transgendered" or "transsexual". And not "trans*", either. "Ladies, gentlemen and others" is preferred to simply "Ladies and gentlemen". Include non-binary people. ALL pronouns are valid and should be respected. This includes they/them and neopronouns such as xe/xyr and

Come and leave your mark

Thought I’d list and clear up some misconceptions about the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Sonic's speed does not come from his shoes. The English manual for the first game does say that Sonic's shoes make him go faster (a fact which was not mentioned at all in the Japanese manual), but this is most likely referring to the High Speed power-up (known as Power Sneakers in English), which makes Sonic temporarily go even faster than normal. Notably, Sonic wears different shoes in Sonic Adventure 2 (as part of a sponsorship deal by SEGA with Soap grinding shoes, hence why Sonic gained the ability to grind on rails in that game) and he's still just as fast as usual. Sonic's speed is just an innate ability he has, not tied to his shoes. And by the way, they're not even shoes. Naoto Ohshima, the designer of Sonic, confirmed on Twitter that Sonic actually wears boots, and the white part that was assumed to be his socks is actually just the top of the boot. No, Shadow the Hedge

Let's get started, ready steady go!

 This is kind of me resurrecting a really old post from my DeviantArt journal (don't go looking for it). Who remembers StarCraft ? Probably a lot of people. One of my favourite parts of it was the cheat codes. Basically, if you typed certain phrases into the in-game chat, it would unlock things or change things for you. So I'm going to list them for you now, as well as explain some of the references behind them. Note: All these phrases must be typed in lowercase, with no punctuation or anything else in the line, in order for the cheat to activate. power overwhelming - Makes your units invincible Reference: "Power overwhelming" is one of the lines used by the Archon unit in the game, which became something of a meme. the gathering - Makes abilities not consume any energy Reference: To the card game Magic: The Gathering  (because it gives you infinite "magic"). game over man - Causes you to instantly lose. Reference: To Hudson's line "Game over, man!

Try! Let's have a fight!

 Hey how about some pointless trivia about Pokémon ? Yes, again. Shh. The actual phrase used in the games for when a wild Pokémon encounter starts is "A wild [Pokémon name] appeared !" (emphasis mine), or simply "Wild [Pokémon name] appeared!" in the Gen 1 games. On the internet, it's often misquoted in jokes and memes as "A wild X appears" or "A wild X has appeared". Similarly, jokes and memes often misuse the phrases "It's super effective!" and "It's not very effective..." In the games, these messages indicate when a move does more or less damage thanks to a type advantage. It doesn't apply to moves that don't inflict any damage to begin with, such as Hypnosis (which simply has a chance of causing the target to fall asleep, or become drowsy in Pokémon Legends Arceus ). Detractors of the anime or of Satoshi/Ash Ketchum will often claim that Ash didn't really win his first two Gym Badges, and that he on

Close your eyes, you'll be here soon

 Welcome to White Space. You have been living here for as long as you can remember. It's time for some pointless trivia about Omori . WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED OMORI YET, AND ARE INTERESTED IN DOING SO, PLEASE DO SO BEFORE READING ANY FURTHER. OMORI IS ONE OF THOSE GAMES THAT'S BEST EXPERIENCED WITHOUT ANY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE, AND I'D HATE TO RUIN THAT FOR YOU. Okay, have they gone? Good. The creator of the character Space Boyfriend confirmed that he is transgender. Sadly, no evidence of this exists in the game, since Omocat wrote the version of Space Boyfriend that appears in the game and was unaware of this aspect of the character at the time. They have later confirmed that he is indeed still canonically trans, though. Originally, the player was going to be able to choose whether Omori was a boy or a girl, which would have also changed Aubrey's gender - picking girl Omori would have resulted in Aubrey being a boy, and vice versa. This was u

I got your picture, I'm coming with you

 Let's do a pointless trivia about Mega Man X , shall we? Zero's design was actually the original design for Mega Man X, but Capcom were worried that he looked too different from Mega Man, so Keiji Inafune reworked the original design as a separate character and made a new design for X which resembled Mega Man more closely. Keiji would eventually get his wish to have Zero as a main character when the Mega Man Zero games came about. The ending of Mega Man X3 mentions that X must eventually destroy Zero in order to save mankind. This was actually a translation error - the original Japanese script only said that X and Zero would fight at one point, with no mention of it being to the death. Many of the Maverick boss names were changed between Japanese and English. This was mostly done to make them make a bit more sense to English-speaking players, since the original names were mostly half-English half-Japanese puns which wouldn't make much sense to people who didn't know

Let's see what you've been working on

 How about some pointless trivia about Epithet Erased ? Creator Brendan Blaber (a.k.a. JelloApocalypse) has revealed a lot of information about how Epithets work. Among others: Any word that has a widespread established meaning can be an Epithet. For example, a word you made up and only you and your friends use can't be an Epithet, but a slang word common in a major metropolitan area, like "Yeet", can be one. Only nouns or verbs can be Epithets. This does not include proper nouns. If a word has more than one meaning, then the Epithet will have powers corresponding to both meanings. However, your Epithet's power largely depends on your own interpretation of the word, which is why Molly's "Dumb" Epithet favours the classic "cannot speak" definition rather than the more modern "stupid" definition. This is why Creativity is a stat. That being said, you cannot deliberately misinterpret your Epithet - it's only dependent on interpretati