No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgender life

 A guide to inclusive LGBTQ+ vocabulary for all the corporations out there during Pride Month.

"Is", not "identifies as". For example, "is transgender" or "is asexual", not "identifies as transgender" or "identifies as asexual". The same applies when speaking about a transgender person's gender identity - a trans woman is a woman, she does not "identify as" a woman.

"LGBTQIA+" is preferred over "LGBT". The letters stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic. The A does not stand for Ally.

"Transgender" (or trans), not "transgendered" or "transsexual". And not "trans*", either.

"Ladies, gentlemen and others" is preferred to simply "Ladies and gentlemen". Include non-binary people.

ALL pronouns are valid and should be respected. This includes they/them and neopronouns such as xe/xyr and fae/faer.

Never assume someone's gender or pronouns. Always ask first, and whatever they tell you, respect that. To quote a Tumblr post:
I don’t care if they got a body like Nicki Minaj with their boobs pushed up to their chin and wear more pink and ruffles than a unicorn in a tutu. If they tell you they’re nonbinary, then they’re fucking nonbinary.
I don’t care if he’s got the highest, prettiest voice and wears dresses and pink glittery nail polish and high heels. If he tells you he’s a boy, then he’s a fucking boy.
I don’t care if she looks like the Hulk and talks like Morgan Freeman and has a beard to rival Thor and the hairiest chest and legs ever and wears a suit. If she tells you she’s a girl, then she’s a fucking girl.
Deal with it.


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