I am a fanboy!

Well, I guess I have a few things to tell you now.

My birthday was awesome. I only got two physical presents (God Of War for the PS2 and a box of After Eights), but I got a metric ton of money. £500 from my parents alone! At the moment I have £708.72 in my bank account - that's more than I've ever had in there before. It's too bad I pretty much will need all of it to survive in Finland when I move - I wish I'd gotten this much money for my birthday before, when I didn't have a responsible need for it!

As for God Of War, as always, I'll be giving a review of it shortly.

Anyway, the main item of news tonight is concerning my cat, NiGHTS. After delays due to illness, delays due to time constraints, and delays due to procrastination, we finally took her to get spayed. The operation apparently went off without a hitch, and she was quite stoned from the painkillers and anaesthetic when she got back, but the next day she was fine. She's got a big patch of fur missing on her side still where the scar is, which is... kind of unsightly, really. I hope it grows back soon. She's restless now because we can't let her outside again until she's gone back to the vet for a checkup on Wednesday, but other than that she's doing fine. I was a bit worried she might try to lick the scar, but she hasn't - in fact she seems to be actively avoiding it, I've seen her deliberately go around it when cleaning herself.
She was actually hyper when she got back from the vet initially - I was expecting her to still be drowsy from the anaesthetic, but no, she was running around everywhere. She ate more than I've ever seen her eat before as well, probably because she hadn't eaten since the previous night (as per the vet's instructions). I was given some special "post-op" food by the vet, which I fed to her.

Anyway, she's absolutely fine. She doesn't seem to be in any pain (even though it's been about three days since she was given painkillers) and she's energetic and playful as ever.

That's all for now. Review of God Of War in the next blog post. Goodbye!


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