And magic makes it all complete

More pointless trivia about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Fun drinking game: Take a shot every time I use the word "originally" or "original" in this post.

Rarity was originally going to be the Element of Inspiration, but the writers thought the concept might be too hard for little kids to understand, so she was changed to being the Element of Generosity instead.

The show was originally going to be called My Little Pony Adventures.

The show's concept began when Lauren Faust pitched an idea for an original show based on her dolls called Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls.

Rarity was originally going to be a fan of dressage (a real-life type of horse performance where the horse and rider go through a series of complicated and practiced moves), which was supposed to be an Equestrian version of dancing.

Sweet Apple Acres was originally going to be called Big Apple Orchard or Big Apple Farm, and would have been located in Fillydelphia rather than Ponyville. Big McIntosh, whose original name was Big Apple, would have inherited the farm, while Applejack would have been the one who actually ran it.

Apple Bloom's original name was Appleseed.

The original plot for the episode "Dragonshy" was very different. Celestia was referred to as "the Queen", and the Mane Six were tasked with getting the dragon to move because the pegasus ponies were powerless to stop the smoke. Pinkie Pie is referred to as "Pinky Pie", and rather than Rainbow Dash make the dragon angry by kicking him, the whole Mane Six decide to collectively force him off the mountain. This causes a fight to break out in which the dragon throws all the ponies except Fluttershy off the mountain (instead of just knocking them to the ground with his fire like in the final episode), which makes Fluttershy angry. However, instead of simply yelling at him for hurting her friends, she uses the Stare (which would have made "Stare Master" redundant) to force him to apologise and leave.

Applejack was originally going to be a fourth culprit in "MMMystery on the Friendship Express". She would have avoided incriminating herself, but confessed in the end anyway. The scene was cut for time.

Another scene originally planned but cut for time was one in "Luna Eclipsed" where Rarity would have gone overboard designing a dress for Luna, leading to another humorous misunderstanding. Its omission resulted in Rarity being absent for that episode.

The Ponyville Schoolhouse newspaper was originally called The Horse's Mouth rather than Foal Free Press. Featherweight was originally named Milquetoast and was Namby-Pamby's little brother.

Prince Blueblood was originally Duke Blueblood, but it was changed because the execs thought little kids wouldn't know what a duke was.

Princess Celestia was originally going to be Queen Celestia, but she was changed to a princess because the writers thought young girls saw queens as evil and princesses as good.

Nightmare Moon was originally named Discord, though still had her original design. The name Discord was later used for another character. Luna's name was originally Selene.

Many of the episodes had different titles in production.
  • "Friendship Is Magic" was "Mare in the Moon", which became the alternate title for part 1.
  • "Suited for Success" was "Dress for Failure", changed for sounding too negative.
  • "Stare Master" was "Fluster-shy".
  • "The Show Stoppers" was "No Talent Show".
  • "Filli Vanilli" was originally "The Return of Flutterguy", but was changed to "Flutterfear" when the writers worried the original title was a bit too spoilery. Then someone suggested "Filli Vanilli" and they decided to go with that.
  • "Keep Calm and Flutter On" was "Fluttershy's Home for Reformed Draconequi".
  • "Call of the Cutie" was just "Call of Cutie", but it was changed because The Hub didn't want the show to reference an M-rated video game series.
  • "Swarm of the Century" was "Pied Piper Pinkie".
  • "Owl's Well That Ends Well" was "Hoo Goes There".
  • "The Best Night Ever" was "The Grand Galloping Gala".
  • "Sisterhooves Social" was "Sissy Fit".
  • "May the Best Pet Win!" was "The Tortoise and the Mare". It was changed because it gave away the species of Rainbow Dash's eventual pet.
  • "The Return of Harmony" was "Seeds of Chaos" and "The Return to Harmony".
  • "Secret of My Excess" was "Attack of the 50 Foot Dragon" and "Giving Dangerously".
  • "Read It and Weep" was "Reading Rainbow", but they couldn't use that title due to legal reasons.
  • "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" was "Cider Horse Rules".
  • "One Bad Apple" was "Bully for You".
The Alicorn Amulet was originally called the Unicharm.

While Twilight was always intended to be Princess Celestia's successor, the original show bible used neither "alicorn" nor "princess".

Lauren Faust originally wanted Tara Strong to voice Pinkie Pie, and Tara planned to voice her with a Bubbles-esque voice. She also auditioned for Applejack.

Ashleigh Ball (voice of Applejack and Rainbow Dash) originally auditioned for Spike, and thought she'd got the role because she got a call back from the studio.

"Wonderbolts Academy" was originally going to end with Rainbow Dash returning home with a "First in Class" medal, hinting that she was on the fast track to becoming one of the Wonderbolts.

There were plans for an episode centered around Big McIntosh, with little dialogue from the main character. It was cut because silence can get very boring.

Princess Cadance was not originally intended to be an alicorn. Lauren Faust was (not necessarily pleasantly) surprised at the change.

Pinkie Pie was originally a pegasus (like Surprise, the G1 pony she was based on) and Fluttershy was an earth pony.

Trixie was originally going to be a boy, but Lauren Faust was persuaded to change her to a girl. She later admitted that this change was absolutely for the best.


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